Silver Lining To Swiping Credit cards often come with perks. Be it cash-back, loyalty points, or miles, there are plenty of benefits for prospective card holders to choose from. Last year, Americans amassed more than $34 billion in credit card points, a whopping 70% higher than their 2019 stockpile, according to data from credit card…Read more
SoFi Hong Kong Blog - Headlines
Trick or Treat We’re in the midst of earnings season, a time when quarterly company results have the market in a tight grip. So far, over 40% of S&P 500 constituents have reported, with a big chunk of that coming last week. And yet, despite both profits and revenue beating consensus estimates by around 6%…Read more
Familiar Phenomenon Inflation has cooled substantially in recent months to the great relief of many Americans. But while the pace of price increases has slowed overall, inflation is picking up for certain things. That’s right: Eggflation is back. What’s Causing Eggflation? A quick reminder, we’ve been here before: Many costs soared during the pandemic, including…Read more