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Good News for Drivers: Gas Prices May Be Headed Lower

Good News for Drivers: Gas Prices May Be Headed Lower

Pump Prognosis Between escalations in the Middle East, drone attacks on Russian oil refineries, and OPEC production cuts, the conditions seem ripe for gas prices to be on the rise. But so far that hasn’t happened. The average price per gallon in the U.S. remains high, sitting at roughly $3.73 in April before it fell…Read more

Good News for Drivers: Gas Prices May Be Headed Lower

The Fed’s May Statement

The Fed’s May Statement

Hikes… Take a Hike Markets came into today’s FOMC meeting pricing a 99.5% probability of the Fed holding policy rates steady, and there were no surprises on that front. What markets have been cueing from  recently though, was the possibility of a rate hike being mentioned. That didn’t happen. In fact, great effort was made…Read more

The Fed’s May Statement

Consumer Crunch? Spending, Debt, Stagflation

Consumer Crunch? Spending, Debt, Stagflation

Consumer Cracks In the United States, the consumer is the economy. Consumer spending accounts for around two-thirds of U.S. GDP, so when spending falters, the economy is in a pinch. That is why economists have been worried about the state of people’s wallets in the face of the high inflation Americans have been enduring. Even…Read more

Consumer Crunch? Spending, Debt, Stagflation