Trade Volume refers to the total number of shares of equities or other assets that have been traded during a specific time frame, providing investors with information regarding the liquidity and movement of a particular stock or asset. In conjunction with price, volume is frequently used to present a more comprehensive market analysis. The following…Read more
SoFi Hong Kong Blog
Smart Stocking Last year, retailers went wild stocking warehouses, and shelves in the hopes of capitalizing fully on the first post-pandemic holiday season. This year, they’re shaking things up again, by doing quite the opposite.Retail giants like Walmart (WMT) and Target (TGT) are taking a more calculated approach to their warehouses, shifting focus from abundance…Read more
Stochastic Oscillator Technical indicators are frequently employed by traders and investors in the stock market to predict stock price trends. One well-known and widely used indicator is the Stochastic Oscillator. This article will introduce the principles of the Stochastic Oscillator and its general usage methods, aiming to enhance your understanding and application of this powerful…Read more